For the past 20 years the Stewarts have worked with individuals and groups, helping them to discover more fully who they were created to be. Chad and Bekah have two kids and call the Virginia Village neighborhood in Denver home.
Bekah is passionate about guiding clients to consider Parker Palmer’s haunting question: “Is the life I am living the same as the life that wants to live in me?” She is gifted at helping clients to notice and name the deep meaning hidden in patterns and themes that emerge in the LifePlan process. She has a B.A. in public relations and an MA in Soul Care & Spiritual Formation from Denver Seminary. Bekah is a trained spiritual director, as well as a certified, Master-level LifePlan Guide with the Paterson Center.
Chad is an executive coach and LifePlan facilitator with the Paterson Center. He has spent his career working in leadership development roles, helping people accelerate their leadership growth to become more effective and fulfilled leaders. Chad has a business degree from Kansas State University and an MBA from Bakke Graduate University. He is a fan of the Enneagram and loves to mountain bike, ski and root for the Nuggets.